Safer Surgery Available in Centralia

Providence Centralia Hospital was recently ranked one of the top seven hospitals in Washington State according to data published in the September 2013 edition of Consumer Reports. In a review of 2,463 hospitals nationwide, ratings were based on the percentage of a hospital's surgery patients who died in the hospital or stayed longer than expected for their procedure.  Research shows those measures are correlated with complications, and some hospitals themselves use this approach to monitor quality. The analysis looked at Medicare claims from patients undergoing 27 categories of commonly scheduled surgeries. Additionally, the report produced ratings for 5 specific procedures, including back surgery, hip or knee replacements, surgery to remove blockages in arteries in the heart (angioplasty) or neck (carotid artery surgery). Complete Consumer Reports article available at: The Washington Orthopaedic Center surgeons are proud to be part of the highly recognized care provided at PCH.