3 Winter Hikes in Washington You Don’t Want to Miss

Great Winter Hikes in WashingtonIf cabin fever has you feeling trapped this winter, there’s an easy solution - take up winter hiking! You may think that this sounds ridiculous, but it is a tried and true hobby in Washington, where snow can cover the landscape for months at a time. There are many trails that are open nearly year-round, and we’ve cherry picks the best ones for winter hikes for you!Snow Mountain RanchSnow Mountain Ranch is located in central Washington near Yakima. This 9.2 mile round-trip hike has great mountain views and a stunning variety of wildlife to meet while you hike. It’s also dog friendly, as long as they’re on a leash, and an easy enough hike for kids to come along with you if they’re so inclined.This 1800 acre property was formerly a cattle ranch owned by Elon and Joan Gilbert, and the Cowiche Canyon Conservancy is working to reinvigorate the native plants and animals in the park. You can see a variety of ducks, great horned owls, red tailed hawks and elk that you are able to feed at the top of the mountain. The trail doesn’t require snowshoes, but it could come in handy if the trails are [...]

7 Common Foot and Ankle Injuries and Disorders

Plantar Fasciitis Plantar Fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is a strong tissue that is situated at the bottom of the foot. It acts as the connection of the heel bone and the toes, creating the arch in a foot. It also supports the foot’s arch by absorbing impact from jumping and running. The lack of stretching or strength in the calves and hamstring can lead to plantar fasciitis.  To avoid this injury, stretch and strengthen your calf muscles. Stress Fracture Stress fractures are tiny fissures or cracks inside the smaller bones of the foot. There will be pain where the bone is situated. Fractures are caused by landing or planting the foot improperly or awkwardly, especially on harder surfaces. Stress fractures heal over time as long as little to no weight is applied to the foot.   Ankle Sprain Ankle sprains occur when there is damage to the ligaments inside of the ankle. This happens when the foot rolls outwards and the ankle is forced inwards. It mostly happens during an awkward landing or misstep. After the event of the injury the ankle will be swollen and stiff. Bunions A bunion is a bump on the joint that is [...]


Dr. Keith V. Anderson Announces Retirement

Keith V. Anderson, MD has announced his upcoming retirement effective March 31st, 2018. Forthe last 27 years, Dr. Anderson has practiced orthopedic medicine at Washington Orthopaedic Center in Centralia and Olympia. Over the years, he has helped thousands of people from the Pacific Northwest recover from their sports injuries, and has performed thousands of orthopedic surgeries. Dr. Anderson has had an impressive career that started well before he joined Washington Orthopaedic Center. He was the past chief of staff at Providence Centralia Hospital and has done significant work overseas. He worked at Tenwek, a Kenya Mission Hospital under MAP- Reader’s Digest International Fellowship Scholarship, and has done volunteer work at mission hospitals in Papua New Guinea, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Bhutan. Washington Orthopaedic Center will have been his longest place of employment. Over Dr. Anderson’s long tenure, he was highly regarded by his peers and community for his expertise in arthritis surgery, total knee and total hip replacement, sports medicine, and arthroscopic surgery. "Dr. Anderson has demonstrated capable leadership at Washington Orthopaedic Center and for Providence Centralia Hospital for many years. The WOC staff and our patients appreciate his dedication to this practice and our community and his dedication to our [...]


What You Need To Know About Runner’s Knee

Runner’s knee or patellofemoral pain syndrome is a common knee problem found in many athletes, especially new runners. Patellofemoral pain is seen most commonly in athletes and runners; this constitutes 25% of all identified knee injuries [1]. PFP affects women more than mend in a 2:1 ratio and is seen most commonly in adolescents [2]. What causes patellofemoral pain syndrome? Patellofemoral pain syndrome is due to the kneecap (patella) not tracking properly in the femoral trochlea, causing rubbing of the cartilage in abnormal ways. The cartilage on the underside of the kneecap is there to let your knee cap glide back in forth between the groove on the femur. The abnormal tracking of the kneecap is usually due to a muscle imbalance of the Quadricep muscles pulling the knee cap usually to the outside of the knee. Can also be caused by tight hamstrings, poor foot mechanics, hip problems or various other causes. There is also various ligaments that attach to the inside and outside of the patella, which can be injured, stretched, or torn in trauma which can lead to kneecap instability. These are best assessed with an MRI. Symptoms Most common symptoms of patellofemoral pain syndrome include a dull or [...]


Exploring Lewis and Thurston County With Jessica Hannigan PA-C

Jessica Hannigan has done plenty of exploring since establishing herself in Lewis and Thurston counties last year. Originally from South Carolina, and having done her physician assistant schooling in Tennessee, exploring the new and unique environments of the PNW was only natural for her. The new opportunities allow her to express her interest in finding new challenges outdoors, and in the clinic, and speak to her active disposition. If you know Jessica, you know she likes to keep moving. Her coworkers may know that best. What you do not see as a patient while waiting to be seen in our orthopedic clinic is the hustle and bustle through the hallways. No matter the reason to be hurrying through the halls, it is up to each individual provider team to stay on time and have all the necessary documents for each of the day’s patients. Jessica is among the quickest in the clinic; she always seems to be everywhere at once. Jessica says it seems this way because she enjoys the challenge. Joining a new practice means encountering many new challenges, and for many, the best way to combat the challenges is by allowing more time to spend on them by getting from [...]


Expanding our Community: Lukas Steffan PA-C

Lukas completed his physician assistant program at Bethel University in St Paul, Minnesota. While finishing his undergraduate degree at the University of Minnesota Lukas gained experienced by working with individuals with disabilities and participated in research in the field of cancer genetics. After his undergraduate degree, he took a year off to gain even more experience by working at an internal medicine clinic and a mental health clinic. For this article, we aimed to get to know Lukas Steffan PA-C by asking him a few questions about himself: Why did you choose to move to the PNW and what's your favorite aspect of the PNW so far? I chose to move to the PNW for the outdoors and the mountains, also to get away from the cold winters in Minnesota. I would say my favorite aspect of the PNW would be hiking in the forests and exploring all of the new places each weekend. What moved you to pursue a career in healthcare? I wanted to pursue a career in healthcare because I've always been a people person. I enjoy meeting new people and finding out about their stories while trying to help with whatever ails them and ultimately make a difference [...]


What You Need To Know About Dupuytren’s Contracture

A Dupuytren’s contracture is the result of thickening fascia beneath the skin of the palm most often near the pinky and ring fingers. Over time the skin at the base of an affected finger will become thicker before finally creating a knot and dimple appearance. A knot formation is indicative of the fascia thickening aspect of Dupuytren’s. Fascia is a layer of tissue between the skin and muscle layers that help anchor down your skin. Otherwise, the skin on your palm could be manipulated much like the skin on the back of your hand. As the fascia tightens into a knot like structure, the tightened skin and fascia cause the fingers to become progressively flexed, making extending the fingers difficult. Unlike a similarly presenting problem, trigger finger, Dupuytren’s does not involve any tendons. Although there is no known cause of Dupuytren’s, there are several risk factors: • Gender: The prevalence is greater in men than women • Ancestral Descent: People from Northern European or Scandinavian descent are most likely to develop the condition • Age: Likelihood increase with age • Alcohol & Tobacco Use: People who smoke and drink more regularly are more likely to present with the [...]


Myths of Orthopedic Surgery

Orthopedic Myths and Frequently Asked Questions “I can eat breakfast since my surgery isn't until this afternoon.” Do I really have to skip breakfast before surgery? Our policy is that you are unable to eat after midnight the night before your surgery with us. We have this policy to protect you, as the patient, from aspiration during surgery. In addition, if we needed to move you up in the schedule, due to a cancelation or simply running ahead of time, it is important that you have not ate or drank anything since midnight. Patient safety is of utmost importance to us; therefore, we don’t ask you to skip breakfast just for fun, it is vital to follow these instructions to help ensure you have the best possible outcome. “I always drink coffee in the morning, one cup won't hurt me.” Can I drink coffee before surgery? No! You cannot drink coffee before surgery. Due to the increased risks associated with eating or drinking anything after midnight the night before surgery, we ask that you refrain from your morning cup of joe too. No eating or drinking includes no water, no coffee, no gum, no candy, no breath mints, nothing at all. Kind [...]


Orthopedic Myths – Knuckle Cracking, Surgery Misconceptions, and More

#1: “Total joint replacements are only for the elderly.” There is no age prerequisite to total joint replacements. While the rate of receiving a total joint replacement is great for ages 64-85, younger adults are more frequently receiving total joint replacements every year. In fact, one study analyzed the trend of knee replacements done in adults aged 45-64 over a ten year period ending in 2014 and saw a 188% increase in total knee replacements in that population over ten years. However, it’s best to keep in mind that the younger one is and the longer that person lives, the more likely they are to need a revision or replacement of their prosthetic. Studies show that 85% of total knee replacements last 20 years and that around 10% of patients will need a revision at some point. #2: “Cracking knuckles causes arthritis.” No one can definitively say that cracking knuckles causes arthritis. In fact, studies have shown no difference in the prevalence of arthritis between those who crack and do not crack their knuckles. On the contrary, some anecdotal accounts have stated that cracking their knuckles has resulted in some cartilage damage and one study looking at the side effects of knuckle [...]


MRI’s Explained – Open vs. Closed Operating Systems

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) didn’t start as the technology we now commonly know. Researchers Felix Bloch and Edward Purcell first discovered the magnetic resonance phenomena in 1946 and later harnessed the abilities of magnetic resonance to analyze chemicals, leading to their Nobel Prize in 1952. Later on, scientists discovered the same technique could be used to visualize different human tissues. By 1973, aided by the rapid technological progression of computers, researchers developed the MRI that we now use today. Then, in 2003, the MRI led to another Nobel Prize, this time awarded to researchers Paul Lauterbur and Peter Mansfield for developing MRI as a diagnostic tool. What is an MRI? An MRI uses a strong magnetic field and directs the field at a specific area of the object or person of interest. As the magnetic field enters different tissues and fluids within the body, hydrogen atoms become excited similarly to how a smaller magnet becomes excited as a larger magnet inches closer. Depending on the tissue or fluid that the hydrogen atoms are in, the atoms return to a resting state at different rates as the magnetic field is turned on and off several times. This allows a computer to analyze the [...]

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